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Executive toolbox

The Austrian healthcare system is characterized by a high degree of complexity and fragmentation. 

The intramural and extramural sectors are financed in different ways, which means that the responsibilities and decision-making powers are assigned to different stakeholders. In addition to the federal level, stakeholders are also found at the federal state level. The health system is planned and controlled by different committees at different levels.

In some cases, the interrelationships and structures pose a challenge even for experienced healthcare experts. This makes it all the more difficult for managers coming to Austria and dealing with the Austrian healthcare system for the first time.

However, an understanding of the system and knowledge of the stakeholders are basic prerequisites for success.

The executive toolbox that we have developed with Talentor  provides a helpful resource here. It enables life science executives to:

  • understand important interrelationships in the Austrian healthcare system,

  • to critically question processes and

  • Set priorities correctly in their own activities.


This allows the managers to act effectively, efficiently and successfully in the Austrian healthcare market right from the start - both inside and outside the company. 

In an individual 1-day coaching session we provide the most important background information from Austrian life science & Healthcare industry in a nutshell. Objectively and with a focus on the essentials.

  • HOW are politics and healthcare linked? Financing, reimbursement, lifecycle optimization, …

  • WHO are the relevant stakeholders and HOW do you approach them?

  • WHAT are the priorities for the first 100 days?

  • HOW do you avoid pitfalls? Do’s & Don’ts in politics, healthcare, media and society

  • WHAT are the right questions and WHO to ask them to?

  • Insight 1: The political system in Austria

    • Political parties, relevant stakeholders, separation of powers & dependencies, social partnership, political mood barometer, attitude towards life science companies, ...

  • Insight 2: The Austrian healthcare system

    • Organization & legislative process, relevant stakeholders, funding & responsibilities, outpatient & inpatient sector, reimbursement, life cycle optimization, ...

  • Insight 3: Media & Society in Austria

    • Informal rules, main players, do’s & don'ts,...

  • Optional: stakeholder access

    • Meetings with relevant stakeholders from politics, health and media, individual follow-up coaching, ...

Target group: (designated) general managers and executive-level managers, career changers from another country/area

We will work with you to tailor the exact content to your personal needs and the relevance of the information for your company.

Time: 1 consultation day – exclusive & can be individually designed in terms of time


Location: Talentor Austria Office – on site in the heart of Vienna (also possible online or split)


Language: German or English

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